Optical Chain - Digital Make Over

Optical Chain | Realty Start Up | Health Club

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Raymond Opticians.


Oct, 2014


Responsive Web Design, Branding, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Optimization, SEO, Email Marketing


Raymond Opticians, NY based optical chain with 22+ locations came to me with minimal digital presence in 2009. The company knew they were falling behind some of their competition because of there outdated website and lack of social media channels.

After thorough research was conducted, the following attack plan was put in place.

  • Responsive website development (html 5)
  • Content development for all products, services and locations
  • Microsites/Landing Pages
  • Social Media - Page creation and audience development (Facebook, Instagram, Google+)
  • Ecommerce capabilities
  • Internal networking systems to increase location communication and peer learning(The RON System)
  • Email marketing/CRM systems
  • Staff/Location training on review management, social audience development, and internal networking tools


After 5 years of working with Raymond Opticians, Site traffic on aymondopticians.com grew from 400(approx.) to 3,500(approx.) hits per month. Some more highlights:

  • Facebook likes grew from 0-700+. Content posting schedule created and managed.
  • Converted 30% of contact lens customers to order from Raymondopticians.com
  • 50 + Microsites and landing pages were created to focus on individual products, services, and locations
  • Email marketing newsletter database grew from 0-300+ subscribers
  • Staff and locations now participate with review requests and social media content.
  • Streamlined internal communications between opticians, insurance coordinators, optometrists, and lab technicians the creation of the Raymond Opticians Networing (The RON) System

Copyright 2015 © Daniel F. Baldino- danielbaldino.com